Monday, August 3, 2009

How to Stretch a Pair of Boots?

I bought a lovely pair of knee high leather boots, with a zip running along the inside of the leg. They fit very well in the foot but unfortunately I can not close the zip up my calf. Is there any way of stretching my boots by and inch or two? Or is there a service that could expand the leather? I really dont want to return them and Id LOVE to wear them out.

How to Stretch a Pair of Boots?
take them to a good cobbler, they can try stretching them but by the sounds of it you may need them properly adjusted. They will do this by cutting at the top of the boot and inserting a larger piece of material. Done by a professional this should not really affected the look and style of the boots.... but it wont be cheap
Reply:A good cobbler will do it for you.
Reply:sometimes if you get a bigger size they fit better in the leg it has worked for me before.

So go back to the shop and try 1/2 sizes bigger even if they are big in the feet they will look good and feel better than being tight on your legs
Reply:you can put damp newspaper in them and leave overnight
Reply:First of all let me tell you, that you are cute.

Keep paperballs (balls made of paper) inside the shoe whenever you are not wearing it, this will be as if someone is in it at all times. This should elasticize the leather by 5% in a week

Hope it helps

books b

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